Package curve.area

Class Board


public class Board extends Object
A layer comprises two two dimensional arrays of 16 bit ints, each hoding the id of a colour object, allowing for a panel of 30 cm by 30 cm, each containing 3072 by 3072 pixels spaced 0.1 mm apart This board provides data to the canvas of paintComponent in DotsCanvas
" So each layer will take around 18 Megabytes ( 2 * 3K * 3K)
On the user screen, y+ is up, so y is mirrored from the dots array
dots 0, 0 maps to top left cornerof user screen?????
The user screen shadows the layers with a scaling factor
so x = horPixels/2, y = verPixels/2 will start to show in the middle May need an index from id to line Only one board so make most of it static